Competier API (0.8.0)
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Competier is a REST HTTPS web service for data processing for competitions of any game and sport. It simplifies organization of tournaments, rankings and games while offering powerful tools for game result processing and rating calculations. Using Competier, you can reach any desired fidelity of service - from offering a simple match history to your players using the Competier App, to feeding a full game replay system by processing all live game data through the Competier API as the action happens, and retrieving it anytime. Cloud-based, flexible, resilient, scalable. Read more on
Required for easy access to all Competier API routes. Your initial API key can be obtained through the Competier App.
A type of competition in which players are rated based on their performance over an arbitrary timespan, f.e. the chess FIDE rating.
Adds a ladders to an account.
Adds a ladders to an account.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
name required | string The display name for this ladder. |
ratingAlgorithm | string Rating algorithm to use. We support Elo, Glicko-1 and Glicko-2. If you don't have any particular requirements and/or don't know about the details of each algorithm, then we usually recommend Glicko-1. |
glickoCValue | number Default: 18.13 |
glicko2RValue | number Default: 0.5 |
playersCanEnterResults | boolean Allows players to add and remove results. If allowFullResultHistory is set, players can also add and remove results they haven't themselves participated in. |
allowFullResultHistory | boolean Allows players to see the result history of all other players of this competition, not just their own. |
playersCanChangeNames | boolean |
allowDuplicateEntryNames | boolean |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Ladder",
- "ratingAlgorithm": "Glicko-1",
- "glickoCValue": 18.13,
- "glicko2RValue": 0.5,
- "playersCanEnterResults": false,
- "allowFullResultHistory": true,
- "playersCanChangeNames": true,
- "allowDuplicateEntryNames": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "name": "My Ladder",
- "ratingAlgorithm": "Glicko-1",
- "glickoCValue": 18.13,
- "glicko2RValue": 0.5,
- "playersCanEnterResults": false,
- "allowFullResultHistory": true,
- "playersCanChangeNames": true,
- "allowDuplicateEntryNames": true
Gets ladders of an account.
Gets ladders of an account. Includes ladders which this account is the admin of, as well as ladders in which this account is participating in as a ladder-entry.
query Parameters
adminOnly | Array of booleans Whether to only return ladders which this account is the admin of. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "My Ladder",
- "ratingAlgorithm": "Glicko-1",
- "glickoCValue": 18.13,
- "glicko2RValue": 0.5,
- "playersCanEnterResults": false,
- "allowFullResultHistory": true,
- "playersCanChangeNames": true,
- "allowDuplicateEntryNames": true
Participants of ladders. Represents an instance which competes in the ladder and is rated accordings to its performances. Usually either a single person or a team.
Adds a self-managed entry to a ladder.
Adds a self-managed entry to a ladder. Self-managed entries are not related to actual other Competier accounts - if you want your players to see and interact with your ladder in the Competier App, you need to send them an invite instead.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
ladderId required | integer id of the ladder that this ladder-entry belongs to. |
name required | string The display name for this ladder entry. |
rating | integer Allows manually setting rating, for example when moving already existing ladders with ongoing ratings to Competier. Leave as default otherwise. |
reliabilityDeviation | integer For Glicko algorithms: Allows manually setting relaibility deviation, for example when moving already existing ladders with ongoing ratings to Competier. Leave as default otherwise. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "ladderId": 0,
- "name": "Jane Doe",
- "rating": 1500,
- "reliabilityDeviation": 350
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "ladderId": 0,
- "name": "Jane Doe",
- "rating": 1500,
- "reliabilityDeviation": 350,
- "accountIds": [
- 0
Gets ladder entries.
Gets ladder entries.
query Parameters
ladderId required | Array of integers Id of ladder |
amount | Array of integers Example: amount=50 Amount of latest ladder-entries to get. Default and maximum is 50. |
offset | Array of integers Amount of latest ladder-entries to skip. For example, if you have already populated an entry list with 50 ladder-entries, but then your user wants to see more entries, you would fetch those using offset=50. |
orderByRating | Array of booleans By default, entries are ordered by newest added. You can instead specify entries to be ordered by highest rating, resulting in a leaderboard of your ladder. |
resultId | Array of integers Only get entries that participated in the result with this id. This can also be called by non-admins if they themselves participated in the given result, or if the allowFullResultHistory permission is set for its ladder. Mutually exclusive with all other query parameters. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "ladderId": 0,
- "name": "Jane Doe",
- "rating": 1500,
- "reliabilityDeviation": 350,
- "accountIds": [
- 0
Results of games that have been played. These affect ratings in ladders and standings in tournaments.
Adds a game result for a played game.
Adds a game result for a played game, triggering rating calculation.
It's possible to enter more than two participants, as shown in the example. The Glicko/Elo algorithms don't originally support this - our implementations treat it as 'every entry playing a game against all other entries' and then scale down the total results according to the amount of entries in order to prevent overinflated rating/deviation changes. Due to it being less likely to score your mathematically expected result in a field of, let's say, 20 entries vs. a field of only 2 entries, in practice, rating changes will be slightly less pronounced in larger fields on average. If your type of game/sport/competition lends itself to very large fields, you should consider employing a minimum amount of entries that has to be reached for results to count.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
ladderId | integer Id of the ladder to be referenced. A result must have either a ladderId or a tournamentId. |
tournamentId | integer Currently unused |
ladderEntryIds required | Array of integers IDs of all ladder-entries that have participated in this game. |
finishPositions required | Array of integers Describes the game's result for the given ladderEntryIds. In the example case, the ladder entry with the ID 123 has won, 42 has come 2nd, and 13 and 7 share a 3rd place. These results are used for rating calculation. |
data | string Any additional JSON with data you would like to store for this result. This will be returned as is when you GET this result. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "ladderId": 0,
- "tournamentId": 0,
- "ladderEntryIds": [
- 123,
- 42,
- 13,
- 7
], - "finishPositions": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 3
], - "data": ""
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "ladderId": 0,
- "tournamentId": 0,
- "ladderEntryIds": [
- 123,
- 42,
- 13,
- 7
], - "entryNames": [
- "Alice",
- "Bob",
- "Charlie",
- "Dave"
], - "finishPositions": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 3
], - "oldRatings": [
- 1500,
- 1500,
- 1500,
- 1800
], - "ratingChanges": [
- 29,
- 3,
- -12,
- -20
], - "reliabilityDeviationChanges": [
- 123,
- 123,
- 123,
- 123
], - "volatilityChanges": [
- 0
], - "data": ""
Deletes a game result by rolling it back, reverting rating changes.
Deletes a game result by rolling it back, reverting rating changes. A result can only be rolled back if it's the most recent result for all of the participating entries.
query Parameters
id required | Array of integers Id of result |
Gets game results.
Gets game results. By default, results for all ladders that the querying user has participated in are returned.
query Parameters
amount | Array of integers Example: amount=10 Amount of latest game results to get. Default and maximum is 10. |
offset | Array of integers Amount of latest game results to skip. For example, if you have already populated a match history with the 10 latest results, but then your user wants to also see the previous 10 results, you would fetch those using offset=10. |
ladderId | Array of integers Only get your results for the ladder with this id. Mutually exclusive with ladderEntryId. |
allLadderEntries | Array of booleans Get results for all ladder entries of the given ladderId. Only usable by admins or if the allowFullResultHistory permission is set for the ladder. Mutually exclusive with ladderEntryId. |
ladderEntryId | Array of integers Only get results in which the ladderEntry with this id participated. Only usable by admins or if the respective permission has been set for the ladder. Mutually exclusive with ladderId. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "ladderId": 0,
- "tournamentId": 0,
- "ladderEntryIds": [
- 123,
- 42,
- 13,
- 7
], - "entryNames": [
- "Alice",
- "Bob",
- "Charlie",
- "Dave"
], - "finishPositions": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 3
], - "oldRatings": [
- 1500,
- 1500,
- 1500,
- 1800
], - "ratingChanges": [
- 29,
- 3,
- -12,
- -20
], - "reliabilityDeviationChanges": [
- 123,
- 123,
- 123,
- 123
], - "volatilityChanges": [
- 0
], - "data": ""
Invites to ladders/tournaments, allowing accounts to partake as ladder-entries in competitions made by other accounts.
Adds an invite.
Adds an invite to a ladder or tournament. Either ladderId or tournamentId needs to be specified.
query Parameters
ladderId | Array of integers Example: ladderId=10 Id of the ladder to create an invite for. |
tournamentId | Array of integers Id of the tournament to create an invite for. Currently unused. |
uses | Array of integers Amount of uses before this invite expires automatically. |
teamInvite | Array of integers Whether this invite should be a "team invite" where all accounts accepting the same invite act as a single ladder-entry in a competition. This is useful if you intend to rate a team constellation as a whole, instead of each player by themselves. Creating a team invite will simultaneously create the preliminary team-ladder-entry, contrary to normal invites which create ladder-entries upon accepting them instead of creating them. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "HHLCdISYcyU=",
- "ladderId": 0,
- "tournamentId": 0,
- "uses": 100,
- "teamLadderEntryId": 0
Accepts an invite.
Accepts an invite, creating a ladder-entry which represents the account calling this route. This action is idempotent since an account can only have one self-representing ladder-entry in a single ladder.
query Parameters
code required | Array of integers Example: code=10 The code of the invite to accept. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "ladderId": 0,
- "name": "Jane Doe",
- "rating": 1500,
- "reliabilityDeviation": 350,
- "accountIds": [
- 0
Gets invites.
Gets all invites for a ladder or tournament.
query Parameters
ladderId | Array of integers Example: ladderId=10 Get all invites for the ladder with this id. |
tournamentId | Array of integers Get all invites for the tournament with this id. Currently unused. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "code": "HHLCdISYcyU=",
- "ladderId": 0,
- "tournamentId": 0,
- "uses": 100,
- "teamLadderEntryId": 0